The Portfolio

This portfolio represents a few selected pieces from my work

Presented as a Timeline



Develop a market strategy for a global athletic wear company

They had an assemblage of systems and platforms that acted as islands. Meaning nothing talked to anything else. This included their internal Marketing Teams

To bring a cogent and unified viewpoint to all of their marketing efforts. Both internal, external, and at retail.


MEDIA - Financial Services

A financial services company that had been primarily done direct mail. With a new marketing director on staff, they wanted to try new additional tactics.

To increase margins by exploiting markets they had not previously touched..

I took a  look at their mailing list. Defined a model/persona based on income, renter versus ownership, proximity to client brick and mortar locations, and half a dozen other parameters. We decided that a campaign using video, both Zone Cable TV combined with IP targeted video, would give us a combination of reach and hyper-targeting. We were able to reduce their acquisition cost by 22%.


Publisher Monetization

Increase revenue for a publisher that owns
dozens of properties

They had recently implemented video advertising on
their site and we're looking for an audit to make sure
they had good health in terms of implementation.

Increased CPM yields by 3x within 90 days. Some of the
things I looked at during this exercise
Current CPM yields
Audience targeting
Page weights
Ad frequency
Excess partners within the “waterfall”
Sales and marketing
Ad Ops
Technical stacks
Business Rules
Human resource needs (if needed)
Search – what are competitors doing (top line)
SEO Demand
What are the top searches on any given day
What is the actual search demand in the market
What competitors are yielding
What are industry standards
What should the XXX goal be in terms of sales break out
What is website push, and how can xxxx use it in a timely manner to generate views/revenue
comScore Data including xxxx and competitor data



Apply the the same tactic of purchasing TV to digital. Meaning we sought instantaneous reach and frequency over individual targeted impressions. We determined specific moments to buy media and stopped our digital buys at other times

To prove the media theory and academic work of Byron Sharp (How Brands Grow) was true. The research proves that marketers approach digital marketing in a way that limits their potential market size. A case study of this can be found here as printed in the Financial Times ( How Mad Men Lost The Plot )

Because the underlying digital infrastructure is built not based on buying time but buying impressions we had to customize a DSP to accomplish this task. In addition we did this for FB. The results speak for themselves. Our media cost was 30% lower, Time spent on website increased by 100%, landing page cost was 66% lower and aided awareness increased by 33%. This is in relationship to the campaign portion that ran normally



I worked as a special mobile consultant for the brand. The project commenced by examining the usage of every single Four Seasons property globally. to determine usage patterns and build actionable personas.

To develop a cogent mobile strategy that integrated with the hotel properties to generate incremental sales and drive brand love

MATTERS: We determined a few key points. Rotating the CRM from 3 touch points to 8 addresses the change in the lifecycle that digital and mobile represented. In addition, I addressed a lack of media opportunities with digital inside the hotel and finally generating a virtual store front for both retail partners in the hotel and new outside partners. One of the key insights was Asian visitors could come specifically to purchase luxury good items because they did not trust as genuine many of the luxury goods distributed and sold within their own markets





NFC has been around for a long time but mainly mm from micro-payment or payment solutions. We wanted to explore how we could bring back the concept of tangible design by using this yet-to-be-exploited technology. I say tangible because computers have layered taxonomies on top taxonomies over the years to the point where the average user would be unable to determine how to use the next extension. An example is 2D codes. 2D codes require instructions to use.

We demonstrated over 30 different apps developed in the space of 34-48 hours that accomplished a wide variety of non-payment-type tasks. The developers showed how we could bring back tangible design by using the concept of touching something to get something—kind of like picking up a glass or plate: Non-instructions required.



A series of eight mobile games developed over a period of two years, representing the end of the dumbphone era and the rise of the iPhone. Disney would often build games and other materials to support new film releases promotionally.

We developed a strategy to build inexpensive and quick promotional games for a new platform. We made the games backward compatible by building out a dumb phone version of the experience that was in every way as good as if not better than the original smartphone version.

Buying media in the Apple App Store was an untested market at the time. I realized that being in the top 10 of the app store represented free media. Meaning once you got into that top 10 spots, it became self-sustaining. We tested this theory out by spending all of our media dollars within 8 hours. We learned that at the time, we could spend $10k and get into the top 10. This resulted in all of our games getting into the top 10 on day one. Others quickly adopted our strategy, which made this strategy less effective towards the end of our two years of building and buying media for these games.


ADIDAS Las Vegas

How to dominate the media landscape that is dominated by noise across the city. adidas, a sponsor of the NBA tasked us with coming up with a plan to make a dominating impact with a limited budget.

Make media work harder by linking it all together with mobile. From 20 story high OOH to taxi cab tops all media was tagged with a simple CTA; text VEGAS to adidas (234327)

Mobile was used to allow consumers to connect to and talk to the brand on their level, their terms. Bluetooth, SMS subscriptions, tagged out of home media (Taxi Cab tops, Airport, OOH, Street Corner domination, experiential (trucks and digital OOH), mobile web site and content-on-demand (for instance; texting a keyword to the shortcode told the user the 3 hottest things going on in Las Vegas in the next 2 hours. The content was refreshed hourly. Sales increased 22x


Branded Social Network - Reebok


RunEasy was a branded social web and mobile application platform specifically for the unmet needs of runners. Before Nike+ and Runkeeper, when Twitter was barely a tweet, and Facebook was.EDU only, there was uneasy. RunEasy WAS THE FIRST BRANDED MOBILE CHECK-IN APPLICATION

adidas bought Reebok in 2006 but didn’t feel they had the product (shoes) to support their message. While Reebok developed a whole new line of products needed to support the business and acquisition. Reebok needed an idea that could provide real value to the consumer much faster than the typical 18-24 month product development and distribution cycle.

RunEasy was a first-of-its-kind Ajax-based community mapping platform. We mashed up the newly launched Google Maps with Flickr, leveraged iTunes, and added an SMS gateway along with Google Maps for mobile. Social at its core, but unlike other networks at the time (myspace & Friendster), the primary interactions and content generation came from mobile as the RunEasy network was based on location. It used both the location of the phone (based on user zip input) and unique KEYWORDS (tied to locations). Designed to be a powerful viral expansion loop. Formally launched in 11 markets, the platform was regularly used in over 25 countries and held over 40,000 runs when it was retired in 2009.




adidas brotherhood was a 360 degree integrated campaign that utilized voice and text relay, location, in-store, super personalized content, mobile web, online, Myspace, print and TV all working together and talking back and forth to each other to personalize all communication with the consumer

adidas had cut it’s basketball budget by 1/3 that year but they also needed to increase sales. They needed a way to make more of their existing media. The concept we came up with was to bring the NBA down to the level of the kids

RunEasy was a first of it’s kind Ajax-based community mapping platform. We mashed up the newly launched Google Maps with Flickr, leveraged iTunes, and added an SMS gateway along with Google Maps for mobile. Social at its core, but unlike other networks at the time (myspace & Friendster), the primary interactions and content generation came from mobile as the RunEasy network was based on location. It used both the phone's location (based on user zip input) and unique KEY WORDS (tied to locations). Designed to be a powerful viral expansion loop. Formally launched in 11 markets, the platform was in regular use in over 25 countries and held over 40,000 runs when it was retired in 2009.



WHAT: Motopay, a mobile commerce gateway based on MobileLime Technology for concessions at Wrigley Field. In 2006 it was the first SMS mCommerce deployment of its scale in the US.

WHY: Led strategy for the launch of the Motorola RAZR V3 to bring to life the concept of “Seamless Mobility.” A core communication objective was to make consumers believe Motorola was delivering the next generation in mobile. A device that enabled you to do more. Before the smartphone application revolution, this wasn't easy because of the relationship consumers had with network operators. One of our Initiatives to bring this idea to life through real consumer utility was a never seen before mCommerce deployment in Wrigley Field.

MATTERS: The balancing act of the consumer user experience with technical capability. RAZR is still the most successful product launch in the long history of Motorola. That said, launching SMS-based mCommerce to a 2006 US mobile audience was not. Developed a deep understanding of mobile internet, mobile authentication, and thin wallet applications. This was a front-row seat to what could and could not be done in 2005->2007 that set my understanding and expectations within mobile commerce for years to come.


First use of Social TV

WHAT: Veronica Mars was a struggling TV show but with a very vocal fan base. If the show could not increase its ratings, the show would be canceled would cancel it the following season. I helped lead the strategy and development of the creative concept for the first-ever integration with the TV of SMS and Voice. Veronica would call and or send text messages during commercial breaks to give some smack talk on what would happen next when the show came back on. We kept it devoid of branding as not to break the veil of illusion regarding TV characters.

WHY: The Strategy we developed was all about activation using popular communication channels for the target market: Voice and text. The voice component was essential because it made it very real, not just some copy that could have been written by anyone.

MATTERS: Doing voice and text integrated across 5 different time zones had never been done before. In addition, the calls and texts needed to be timed and delivered during advertising breaks on the show. The intended effect Wass to get viewers to tell their friends about the calls and texts both in-person and online. To activate this base of enthused fans to increase viewership. It worked! The SHOW DOUBLED IT’S RATINGS and continued for two additional years.