A selection of Slide Share presentations.

Why Better Creative Is More Effective Than Better Targeting

This is a stub deck of a larger internal presentation on two things: 

1) ad formats and mediums and how we do a poor job matching the message to the medium

2) the downfall of the current obsession with targeting. Why creative triumphs over data every time but media agencies and clients are focused on where they can see small gains instead of GIANT GAINS in their ROI

The solutions had to be removed for now, but I think a smart person could figure it out.

Why Mobile Works In Advertising

This is a continuation in the connecting the dot series presentations. This one is focused on where mobile fits within the larger media universe.

I looked at TV and print data going back to the mid 70’s to see if there has ever been a media channel with the impact of mobile from a brand metric perspective

See presenter notes for a more detailed understanding of the slides.

The Rapid Pace Of Change As Demonstrated Through Caramel

The focus of this presentation is on sharing. Advertising agencies are really bad at sharing ideas and information within the industry. This shows the consequences of not sharing. It is juxtaposed against the music and food industries which are built on the paradigm of sharing. It contains some recurring themes from previous presentations.

This was a Keynote presentation. Unfortunately, Slideshare is still not supporting Keynote, so that you will be missing the presenter notes, so it may seem a little disjointed or confusing. While doing the presentation, I started with a pot of water and some sugar. While I presented, the water evaporated, and the sugar started to caramelize. By the time I finished the presentation, the sugar had turned to caramel. The point is that things change fast. Our clinging to an idea instead of sharing in those ideas results in them becoming irrelevant. If the concept of change (e.g., caramel) had never been shared, we would not have all the great things you can make with caramel. The idea you have today will be 10x different and better tomorrow when it is shared.

This is a presentation I gave at the M-Love conference in Monterey, California. The M-Love is the best conference I have been to. It is focused on the exchange of ideas and community building. It includes workshops on harnessing the brainpower of all attendees. I would highly recommend this conference to anyone wanting to expand their view of the wireless space and the world.

Grateful Dead And The Use of Earned Media

Social media is not new; it has been around for millennia. Digital has just made it easier. In this snapshot view of Grateful Dead tape trading, you will see how the Dead realized they were in the live entertainment business and not the recorded music business. They fueled attendance of their shows by allowing and promoting the taping of their shows. Fans of the band traded these shows. The remarkable thing is although they gave away all this music, they were one of the most successful bands in rock n roll history

Social And Mobile

Dateline: 2012
In the last 24 months, brands have been rush to embrace Facebook as the primary destination to connect with their consumers. The belief has been that consumers with their ever-increasing network of friends represented an opportunity to disseminate their message cost-effectively. Recently, however, there have been several research reports indicating a decline across the board of engagement levels on social networking sites around the globe. This decline is concentrated in the key 18-29 YO demographic or post-college but younger than 30 age set. This document will try to shed some light on:

What are the actual social networking trends?
Are their basic human drivers behind these trends?
What are the technological drivers enabling these human drivers?
What are the implications for brands and agencies?
How do we exploit these changes on behalf of clients?